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Effects of Smoking on Pregnant Women

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Smoking causes destructive health issue for every smoker and when a pregnant woman is exposed either to active smoking or passive smoking, the life of the developing baby is at high risk. The pregnant women need to find ways for quitting cigarettes considering the health hazards that she can bring to the baby. Smoking brings various birth defects and problem not only when the baby is in the womb but also during and after the baby is born.

There are still thousands of women who aren’t aware of the ill effects of smoking cigarettes and are unable to quit smoking cravings even when they are pregnant. Be it passive smoking or active smoking the developing baby gets the poisonous chemicals and toxins that are present in the cigarette through the bloodstream directly.

So what are the various health issues faced by the baby when the mother is exposed to smoking cigarettes
  • Respiratory problems : The toxins and chemicals in the cigarettes lower the oxygen supply to the mother, and the growing baby. This can lead to various lung problems such as asthma, allergies and ear infection for the developing baby. If the mother is regularly exposed to cigarette smoke, the baby is at a high risk of stillbirth.
  • Birth Defects : The developing baby gets suffocated due to the poisonous chemical thus affecting the growth of the baby. Certain organs fail to function or develop. Most organs do not mature and stop functioning which can bring several birth defects to the baby after it is born which brings several complications in the health of the baby to live a normal life.
  • Sudden Infant Death (SID) : When the mother is exposed to cigarette, the baby develops an increased risk of Sudden Infant Death which would happen after the birth of the baby. There are several cases of SIDS been reported and have widely been proved the main cause as smoking while pregnant.
  • Premature Birth or Low Birthweight : The developing baby may stop functioning properly and can even stop the growth. At certain cases, the baby can be born prematurely even before the organs are fully developed. The babies that are born prematurely develop high risk to survive that they would be kept in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for several days and month to survive.

  • Here are some leaves smoking tips forever pregnant women who are exposed to smoking.

    1. Ask your doctor for tobacco quit medicine that is safe to be taken during pregnancy.

    2. Stay away from people who smoke.

    3. Keep yourself active and focused on other works.

    The pregnant woman needs to understand what helps to quit smoking and follow the easy ways to stop smoking to keep herself and the baby healthy throughout the pregnancy and to deliver a healthy baby. Pregnant women are not advised to use a nicotine patch or nicotine gums as an easy way to quit smoking, as the nicotine releases into the bloodstream thus affecting the baby.

Smoking can be hard to break, but when you are determined to live a healthy life with your family it becomes much easier to leave smoking and to overcome the cravings for the smoke. Homeopathy medications are a great way to quit smoking effectively without any side effects and this therapy is practiced by Lets Quit. Call us today to know more about our natural homeopathy ways that are effective and helps you to get back to a healthier you.

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